Rossall Point, Marine Hall Gardens & The Mythic Coast
NAME : Rossall Point, Marine Hall Gardens, The Mythic Coast DATE : 2012 - CLIENT : Wyre Council - LOCATION : Cleveleys & Fleetwood PARTNERS : BCA Landscape, Studio Three Architects (now EWA), Chris Brammall Ltd, John Merrill.
The Mythic Coast was conceived by Broadbent and forms part of a cultural vision and strategy document for the Wyre Coastline and is linked to the ongoing sea defence works we completed in Cleveleys.
This vision document formed the basis of a successful Sea Change funding application, which recognised schemes that have the potential to regenerate seaside towns through cultural and environmental enhancements. The Sea Change grant funded three distinct projects, an observation tower at Rossall Point, the regeneration of Marine Hall Gardens, Fleetwood and the Mythic Coast Art project.
The aim of the art project has been to develop a narrative for the seafront from Cleveleys to Fleetwood, that would draw people along the coastline and connect communities. This narrative forms the foundation for all cultural and art interventions on the seafront.
“As part of the Sea Change scheme, the project at Marine Hall aims to transform the waterfront venue’s landscape into a space that complements the function of the building at the same time integrating the imaginative narrative of The Mythic Coast.”
“Rossall Point Observatory is designed to be a beacon along the Wyre Coastal trial, linking Cleveleys with Fleetwood. Responding to the site conditions has not only driven the building form, but has influenced the materiality and the textures within the building.”
Have you walked the Mythic Coast Trail?
“Wyre’s Mythic Coast Artwork trail brings a magical element to the Cleveleys seafront.
Striking structures have brought to life The Sea Swallow - a specially commissioned children’s story book that combines local folklore, myth and legend about Wyre’s coastline.”